Aspen Discovery

Setting up Local Catalog Enrichment

Browse Categories

You will see these browse categories on your discovery home page. You will be able to define browse categories shown on the library home page.

  1. Log into Aspen Discovery
  2. Click on Aspen Administration
  3. Click on local catalog enrichment
  4. Click on browse categories

Collection Spotlights

Define basic information about how pages are displayed in Aspen Discovery.

  1. Log into Aspen Discovery
  2. Click on Aspen Administration
  3. Click on local catalog enrichment
  4. Click on collection spotlights


Placards allow you to promote services that do not have MARC records or APIs for inclusion in the catalog.

  1. Log into Aspen Discovery
  2. Click on Aspen Administration
  3. Click on local catalog enrichment
  4. Click on placards

Read more by Jessie Zairo
