Koha How-To
New Director: Patron Tools
Here is a compilation of our documentation for Patron Tools.
Patron Lists
Patron lists are a way to store a group of patrons for easy modification via the batch patron modification tool or reporting.
Here is a tutorial video and blog post on how to make Patron Lists:
Patron Clubs
Patron clubs create clubs in which patrons may be enrolled. It is useful for tracking summer reading programs, book clubs and other such clubs.
Here is a tutorial video and blog post on using to make Patron Clubs:
Setting Up the Patron Clubs feature in Koha
Import Patrons
The patron import tool can be used at any time to add patrons in bulk. It is commonly used in universities and schools when a new batch of students registers.
Here is a tutorial video and blog post on how to import a file of patrons:
Monday Minutes : Using the Patron Import Tool
Patron Card Creator
The patron card creator allows you to use layouts and templates which you design to print your custom patron cards on your printer.
Here is a blog post about using this tool:
Using the Patron Card Creator Tool
Batch Patron Deletion
This tool allows you to bulk anonymize circulation histories (this means that you keep records of how many times items were checked out - but not the patrons who checked the items out) or bulk delete patrons (remove them from the system completely).
Batch Patron Modification
With this tool, you can make edits to a batch of patron records. Simply load in a file of card numbers (one per line), choose from a list of patrons or scan patron card numbers in to the box provided.
Here is a blog post and tutorial video on using this tool in Koha:
Batch Extend Due Dates
This tool allows you to update due dates in bulk, this can be useful if a library needs to close unexpectedly.
Here is a blog post and tutorial video to demonstrate this tool:
Monday Minutes: Bulk edit due dates
Tagging is the ability to have users direct the subjects that can be searched in the OPAC. If your library is allowing patrons to tag records on the OPAC, here are two helpful blog posts, one about using Emojis for tagging and also a Patron Video tutorial:
Patron Video Tutorial on Tagging
Upload Patron Images
Patron images can be uploaded in bulk if you are allowing patron images to be attached to patron records.
Here is a helpful blog post on uploading patron images in a batch:
Uploading Patron Images in a Batch to Koha
More Resources
Koha has an extensive online manual, here is a link to the manual directed towards the Patron Tools:
More New Director Resources
Here is a link to all "New Director" related blog posts.Read more by Kelly McElligott